What Is Pedodontics?

Division of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry deals with diagnosis and treatment of oral and dental diseases in children up to 14 years of age and those with special health care needs. The first faculty in the speciality was appointed in September 2005 however the specialty clinic started functioning separately in year 2008 in CDER. However, the post graduate programme in the specialty was started in year 2017.

On an average the division undertakes 19000-20000 procedures in children every year. We follow preventive protocol in almost all the patients and perform simple procedures as restorations, extractions to complex procedures as deciduous and permanent endodontic treatments, stainless steel crowns, space maintainers, habit breaking appliances and minor surgeries. Full mouth rehabilitation in children with early childhood caries, having severely mutilated multiple carious teeth is frequently done. Our division is also one of the pioneers of starting use of soft tissue lasers for surgical and bio stimulation procedures in paediatric dentistry in north India. breaking appliances and minor surgeries.


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