Dr. Kanishka

Dental Surgeon,IPDCH (Delhi)

Dentway in Patna offers a host of treatments and cures for a wide range of dental ailments faced by the patients. Few of the dental procedures they offer range from inducing fillings and repairs in the tooth, undertaking root canal surgeries, applying crowns (caps), bridges and implants, teeth whitening as well as extractions (surgical removal) of cavities/milky /disfigured/wisdom teeth.

She undertakes the procedure of tooth replacements through implants & related prosthesis. She is placing tooth in an hour using immediate loading implants, multiple dental implants for many missing teeth, implant supported overdentures.
She also performs minor oral surgical procedures like tooth extractions, alveoloplasty.
She is specialized to diagnose & perform incisional biopsies & cytology for oral & maxillofacial pathological lesions.

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